1. How To Claim Your Tax Rebate On Your Home Income Tax Slab

    Posted on June 02, 2021 by Guy Atkinson

    A tax rebate or refund is a payment by the taxpayer to the IRS when they pay less tax than they are liable. The amount paid will be equal to the difference between the amount the taxpayer receives and the amount they are liable for. In order to receive a tax rebate, the taxpayer must Read More…

  2. How the Government Uses Direct and Indirect Taxes

    Posted on May 19, 2021 by Guy Atkinson

    A tax is a mandatory financial burden or any kind of levy paid on a taxpayer by some governmental body in order to finance government expenditure and various other public needs. A person who is charged with tax evasion is punished by law with a prison term of up to three years. Evasion of or Read More…

  3. How to Prevent Identity Theft

    Posted on May 18, 2021 by Guy Atkinson

    There are many types of credit cards, but the most common in North America is the credit card. These cards have had a great run recently, and some people enjoy having them so much. They can be an excellent way to build credit history. However, they have also been the target of many fraud schemes Read More…

  4. Types Of Levy When A Self Employed Person Fails To Pay Tax

    Posted on May 04, 2021 by Guy Atkinson

    A tax is any financial obligation or other sort of tax imposed on a taxpayer by an administrative body or government department so as to finance various public expenditures and government spending. A taxpayer may have defaulted in payment of tax, given a huge tax debt, or may have been charged with tax fraud. Failure Read More…

  5. Credit Cards Allows You to Make Purchases

    Posted on January 28, 2021 by Guy Atkinson

    A credit card, also called a charge card, is a plastic payment card issued to consumers to enable the consumer to pay to a retailer for certain goods and services on a monthly or annual basis depending on the agreement between the credit card issuer and the merchant. A credit card is not considered as Read More…

  6. Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – Get Federal Student Loans Or Private Loans

    Posted on January 21, 2021 by Guy Atkinson

    A student loan is basically a form of unsecured loan designed to assist students in paying for college education and all the associated fees, including tuition, books and other supplies, and even living expenses. Most student loan programs are federally funded. The US government distributes more than six billion dollars per year in student loan Read More…

  7. How To Raise Prices For Essential Commodities for Low-Income Households

    Posted on January 14, 2021 by Guy Atkinson

    Living costs cover expenses required for one to live a reasonably comfortable life. It includes the expenses for food, shelter, clothing, and other basic necessities like a basic cell phone (you can get one from https://entouchwireless.com/lifeline/ if you are deemed eligible). The concept of living costs is the equivalent of saying the price of doing Read More…

Tip of the Day

Time management for Finance Professionals

time management


I’ve just re-read Richard Denny’s fantastic book ‘Selling to Win’, in which he mentions a time management technique that I learnt many, many years ago from an old boss of mine.


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