About Me

I do what?

Some readers will look at my profession and think: “A financial accountant? That’s only about 1 step away from dead boring. What on earth can he say that will capture my interest?” Well if you’re looking for info about tattoo designs, look elsewhere. Drones? Nah. Top 10 songs on the radio hit list? Nope. How to be more careful with your money? Yep. Travel? Yep. Does travel cost money? Yes. Can you do it more cheaply and still have a great time? Yes.


Personal Stuff

Okay, I have your interest so let’s get started. You’ve concluded that I am a numbers guy (Guy?) and that I like to travel. I am just over 50 years old, married with two adult children. The perfect pair, Jonathon and Maria. The daughter’s name is of Spanish origin, as is her mother, my wife, Margarida. I actually met my wife on one of my travels. I was at the tourist counter at Porto airport and so was she. We were both asking for maps and directions to a hostel, the same one. Snap! It was a great holiday in Portugal.

Apart from accountancy and travel, I like a good book but these days, with a home theatre, I really enjoy a good movie. I am a tragic Star Wars fan and my rugged good looks have been compared to Han Solo…I wish! Both my kids have finished university and are making their way in the world, and both still live at home. My wife works from home as an interior designer. We travel a lot and she picks up some outrageous ideas for decorating at times, but she is good at it.

My Consultancy Business

I’m also good at what I do and I work on a consultancy basis for a couple of large firms but enjoy helping the ordinary person make some changes in their life that will benefit them in their later years. There are so many BS schemes out there now that you really have to carry out due diligence on them to the nth degree to ensure that it’s not a scam or just a bad investment.

My rates vary with the complexity of the job and the time I need to spend gathering information, putting it all together in such a way that it’s understandable to somebody that might find it hard to follow just figures and a chart. You may have picked up I have a wicked sense of humour so I am usually tempted to let that humour loose in a presentation. If you laugh, then you get what I am talking about. If you look at me with a dumb expression, then I will have to redo the show.

Do you Need a Financial Guru?

If you have a business of your own and you are not sure where the money is going to and where it is coming from and will you have enough cash to continue, then I’m the man to see. A small business is just as important to me as a big business. Probably more important because we are talking about a person’s livelihood and an enterprise into which they have put their heart and soul. Failure there is a heart breaker.

Let’s Talk

Two things to remember when you come and see me. Firstly, I love to talk about travel and I will not charge you for the time I might ramble on about a particular place. Secondly, I like to take my dog for a walk as a break from the job. I will not charge you for that time either.

A financial accountant is a good asset for your business. We can help you make it grow. On the other hand, we can cost money the company might not be able to afford. When choosing an accountant, it’s a real bonus if there’s one with similar likes and dislikes and one with whom you can develop a good working relationship. Give me a call and let’s chat about your business.

Tip of the Day

Time management for Finance Professionals

time management


I’ve just re-read Richard Denny’s fantastic book ‘Selling to Win’, in which he mentions a time management technique that I learnt many, many years ago from an old boss of mine.


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