1. Australian Exhibition of Travel and Tourism (Auckland)

    Posted on January 07, 2021 by Guy Atkinson

    The numerical value of travel fair in Pythagorean Numerology can be: 5. Translations for travel fair. In a way, this sounds like an unsatisfying goal – we want translation for travel fair, but we want someone who will translate for us. Use the citation below to insert this definition into your bibliographic profile: “A luxury Read More…

  2. Types of Income Tax

    Posted on December 31, 2020 by Guy Atkinson

    A tax is any mandatory financial burden or any sort of tax levied on a person by a government agency in order to finance various public functions and government spending. Evasion of or disobedience to tax, and punishment for failure to pay is usually punishable by severe law. The amount of tax depends largely on Read More…

  3. Some Tips For Getting the Best Deal from Your Mobile Phone Contract

    Posted on July 28, 2020 by boss


    If money is tight and you need a new phone, you really do need to take the time search the market properly. Whilst the latest editions of the iPhone and Samsung’s new Galaxy S4 may look extremely appealing, you need to stop and consider if you can afford to spend so much money over the Read More…

  4. Best Ways to Check British Vehicle History Details

    Posted on March 17, 2020 by Guy Atkinson

    Most of the registered vehicles in the UK have their history in some form or another. The history check report will notify you of any type of stressing details held against the automobile by money and insurer, the DVLA, the Authorities, as well as other market bodies. The finest vehicle check is most likely one Read More…

  5. How to find the cheapest car insurance quote?

    Posted on February 19, 2020 by Guy Atkinson

    Auto insurance companies exercise prices depending on a variety of aspects. Take a look at these leading pointers for locating less costly automobile insurance coverage. Automobile insurance can be a significant cost for many; the typical detailed policy now sets you back ₤815. That’s according to the latest insurance consumer price index. Deciphering whether you Read More…

  6. 3 Reasons You Should Consider Working with a Tax Relief Company

    Posted on August 15, 2019 by Guy Atkinson

    Tax debt may be the result of a failed business or hard times. While you may have moved on, this isn’t something you can ignore since the tax authorities will pursue you aggressively and have broad powers to collect. This is why they can threaten to do almost anything to get the next payment. Here Read More…

  7. How to Financially Cope with a Cut in Hours

    Posted on March 19, 2019 by Guy Atkinson

    It’s often said that when we make the ends meet, someone moves the ends. If you’re keeping your head above water and suddenly find that your hours are going to be cut, it can be easy to panic. However, there are steps you can take to keep the bills paid while you search for other Read More…

Tip of the Day

Time management for Finance Professionals

time management


I’ve just re-read Richard Denny’s fantastic book ‘Selling to Win’, in which he mentions a time management technique that I learnt many, many years ago from an old boss of mine.


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