1. Lotto Philosophy

    Posted on August 27, 2016 by Guy Atkinson

    Thеrе are a lot оf people thаt рlау the lottery, but not ѕо mаnу іndіvіduаlѕ thаt have the аbіlіtу to wіn thе lоttо. Quіtе a fеw рlауеrѕ hаvе wоn mаnу times, whісh dеmоnѕtrаtеѕ thеу’vе gоt a tаlеnt fоr the lоttеrу ѕуѕtеm. Sеvеrаl multiple-lottery wіnnеrѕ роѕѕеѕѕ ѕуѕtеmѕ for winning. 

  2. What is my credit score? And how is it calculated?

    Posted on June 01, 2016 by Guy Atkinson

    Having a bad credit score can be dispiriting and embarrassing. When you need money in order to replace a car that’s broken down, want to reduce your outgoings by switching balances to a balance-transfer credit card or simply want to roll of your debts into a single consolidated loan, getting rejected can be extremely frustrating. Read More…

  3. Charity giving the tax efficient way

    Posted on May 28, 2016 by Guy Atkinson

    Let’s face it, our charities need all the support we can give. Whether you donate unwanted clothing to your local charity shop, occasionally pop some coins into a street collection tin or support individual charity efforts online, we all do what we can.

  4. 3 Reasons Employee Productivity May Be Your Key to Increased Revenue

    Posted on May 05, 2016 by Guy Atkinson

    Managing a company is an incredibly complex endeavor. Your focus is likely divided between employee management, progressive ideas, bettering the business, and good old revenue. To strike a balance, and maintain sanity, among all of these concerns, it is incredibly important that you prioritize and figure out how to drive the employees to better the Read More…

  5. Tips on Effectively Storing and Filing your Tax Documents

    Posted on April 26, 2016 by Guy Atkinson

    Tax is one of those necessary evils we can’t get away from. Whilst making the payments will probably never be a very pleasant experience, organising and filing the necessary documents needn’t be a headache if it’s approached with a logical method.

  6. It’s Not Another World

    Posted on April 19, 2016 by Guy Atkinson

    It wаѕ соmmоnlу реrсеіvеd thаt thе ѕоlе purpose оf an offshore bank account was to store drug mоnеу аnd оthеr forms of blасk money from wеароnѕ trаdіng, tеrrоrіѕm, prostitution, and ріrасу! Unfоrtunаtеlу, thіѕ debauched vіеw of оffѕhоrе, or international, bаnkіng іѕ оnе оf thе reasons that have made mаnу buѕіnеѕѕ реорlе and entrepreneurs ѕhun аwау Read More…

  7. Beginners in Stock Market: Here’s what you need to know

    Posted on April 05, 2016 by Guy Atkinson

    Have you just started trading stocks? If yes, then we will walk you through a number of effective ways to succeed in stocks. You can also check out websites like Investor Junkie to help you with any other needs you may have for your stock trading, so you are covering yourself from all angles. Make Read More…

Tip of the Day

Time management for Finance Professionals

time management


I’ve just re-read Richard Denny’s fantastic book ‘Selling to Win’, in which he mentions a time management technique that I learnt many, many years ago from an old boss of mine.


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