Some Top Design Ideas for the Ideal Brochure

Posted on April 23, 2017 by Guy Atkinson

Every single one of us has been handed a brochure from time to time – some of it we actually read, some of it we merely scan through. Keep that in mind when you design your brochure; your goal is to maximise the reading, and your goal is to attract interest in your business.

On the one hand, it can be quite intimidating to design a brochure. On the other hand, things really aren’t as complicated as they seem at first – you just have to follow some basic guidelines, after all. Production can become difficult if you are outsourcing it. So, consider getting one of those print finishing machines to make the process easy. When it comes to designing,
follow the tried and tested methods. Here are some top design tips for the ideal brochure.

Keep it simple

We know you want to say all there is to say about you, your business, your brand, your product or your service. It’s a normal instinct – but it’s a mistake. Just because you are very excited about your venture (as you should be), doesn’t mean that the casual reader cares one way or the other. You have to make them interested. You have to point out to them why they should care.

Keep it simple! Printivity, the brochure printing experts, recommend that you start with a great headline, and then sell through bullet points. Make sure you enumerate the main points of your message – and the only way of being successful at this is by keeping it simple. Your reader has only a limited time. Be clear. Be bold. Be daring. Focus on what’s important.

Think about your shapes

Once you’ve identified the various points of your message, you can segregate them by colour-coding them, and giving them different shapes. For example, if you’re offering a great price, you might want to have a red background and put it in a circle. If you are going green, you may want to colour your message green and put it in a hexagon. Highlight the various advantages of your product or service in different colours and in different shapes. Not only is it easy to remember, it’s convenient to read and understand that way.

Be original

The conventional brochure opens from left to right. How about creating a brochure that opens at the top and the bottom? How about adding a piece of candy or a pen in the middle? How about using the technique of gold foil printing to add your logo to the brochure? Foil printing usually makes a design pop out, hence, it can be really useful to create the brand logo to put more focus on it. Or how about adding coupons to entice them to buy? Be original – make the reader remember you, and spur them on to be active, to seek you out.

There are many aspects to consider when you design your brochure for brochure printing, but there are only three basic steps you should undertake – three basic questions you should ask yourself. One, what are you (as a company, brand, and product) all about? Two, who is your target demographic? Three – how do you get the message across the right way? It requires thought but it’s worth the effort.

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Tip of the Day

Time management for Finance Professionals

time management


I’ve just re-read Richard Denny’s fantastic book ‘Selling to Win’, in which he mentions a time management technique that I learnt many, many years ago from an old boss of mine.


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